Fill it Forward

Inspiring The
World To Reuse

As leaders in the Sustainability world, we are committed to a better planet and we want to help change some of the staggering statistics around water health and accessibility. We’ve partnered with Fill It Forward—a fellow B Corp—to get clean water into communities and keep plastic out of our oceans. Fill it Forward believes choosing to reuse is a simple act of generosity that shows love for our planet and the people on it. We love this mission and are working to amplify their global giving initiatives to inspire the world to reuse and eliminate single-use plastic bottles, and to create a sustainable movement that has a direct impact on the planet and provides clean water to people who need it the most.

Clean Oceans

If no action is taken, by 2050 there will be more plastic than fish in the ocean.
Source: Ellen MacArthur Foundation.

Clean Water

Of the global population of 7.8 billion – 1 in 9 people (over 860 million people) lack access to safe water.

Better Together

Every Time You Reuse, We Give

Everyday impact is as easy as downloading an app, applying the sticker you get from your Fetzer wine on your reusable water bottle and scanning the sticker with the app when you refill it. Every time you reuse—and scan the sticker—Fetzer and Fill it Forward contribute to charitable projects around the world to bring clean water to communities that need it.

Give Back In Four Easy Steps!

Place a Fill It Forward sticker on your reusable water bottle

Scan it using the Fill It Forward app every time you reuse

Each scan contributes to the completion of a charitable project

Charities receive funding to build impactful infrastructure



By entering the Fetzer website you confirm
you are of legal drinking age.